Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Personal Finance

In Ms. Tomlin class we are talking  about personal finance and what would we do if we won $10 million dollars. Personally I already know that I would go crazy and try to buy the things that I like or always wanted. I know some people would say " oh I'm still going to be the same person" and I don't think that is really true because I really believe the money could change. We read this article about a woman who won the lottery in Canada and it was $10 million dollars. She went crazy with the money she was paying people bails, rents, going on exotic trips, buying a lot of cars, and going on shopping sprees. She didn't even notice how crazy she was spending her money til she found herself riding the bus again and sleeping in an apartment that she didn't even own. If I ever won $10 million dollars i would go crazy too, but not to the point where I would go broke again. I will first buy the things that I need like a house for me and my sisters, a car for me and my mom. Put money in the bank and pay for my college education because I am still going to go to college. I will stretch my money because it's easy to spend money rather than saving it. I will make sure that I build up from that money. I kind of bad for that women cause I know she like damn. she is probably regretting all the bails and rent she paid for people and I bet those people don't even talk to her no more. She don't even have her cars no more not even one so now she has to ride the bus. This type of thing makes me want to save money because if I'm going to have a lot of money and then throw it all away on material things then wants the point of having money in the first place. 


  1. Saving money is a really important goal! I'm glad you are learning about these things now.

  2. Saving Money is also really hard. I think we really need to learn more about budgeting because thats whats most important. I would also go crazy and spend all my money.

  3. I completely agree you. It is important to use your money wisely no matter how much you have.

  4. The problem with most people is that they don't know how to be frugal. Nowadays people think about what they want now instead of thinking about what they want later. Honestly I wouldn't know what to do with $10 million. I would probably buy a condo, a nice car and literally put 85% of it away.

  5. If that was me I would never spend that money as frivolously as she did. I would make a plan and spend and save the money the right way.
