Hi everyone I'm Kamali, I would like to start of by introducing myself a little more to you guys. Well my favorite type of movies are drama, comedy, and love. One of my favorite movies of all times is Love & Basketball. I like to listen to music, and my favorite genre is hip hop. I don't really listen to jazz or anything else, maybe pop and sometimes Spanish music. As some of you know I have two sisters Brandy and Emily; Brandy just currently went off to college, and Emily is in the Navy and been there for 6 years now I also live with just my mom. I love food and can eat all day, but my favorite kind of food is Spanish. Nothing is better than chicken, rice, beans, fried plantains, and salad. I just love love Spanish food, and one thing that I enjoy eating,is a Cuban sandwich. My mom side of the family is from Cuba so they eat that all the time and that is how I started eating Cuban sandwiches. A Cuban sandwich has pork, pickle, melted Swiss cheese, this special sauce, and it comes on this flat grilled bread. Some of you may know that I love playing sports, and I currently play squash, Squash is a racket sport that is similar to tennis or handball. I have been playing Squash for 6 years, and I am number 1 for the girls ladder. I also enjoy talking, writing ( sometimes), and I love love love lip gloss. I guess that is all for now, I don;t really know what else to talk about so as of right now, TTYL

Hey, my favorite kind of movies are comedies. Think Like a Man, with Kevin Hart, was one of the funniest movies I ever saw. We have a few things in common.
ReplyDeleteHey Kamali, I know you like eating Cuban sandwiches but since your half Cuban have are you really connected with your Cuban side? What are some of the traditions and other food are Cubans known for ? I like hip hop too depending on my mood I like listening to r&b or just straight rap
ReplyDeleteokay okay good question, But I know that Cubans like black beans and they typically eat it with everything, but as for me family they like to a lot of Tamales, which is season meat wrapped in corn dough which is then seamed, but otherwise they eat the typical spanish food like rice, beans, etc.
ReplyDeleteThis was a good free write, and I like how you brought up your sisters, such as Brandy. I grew up with you guys and I know that ya'll were always together. How does it feel being without her now that she is attending college?
ReplyDeleteRight now it's really lonely and quite in the house, and I'm still adjusting to the fact that I have to do things on my own. We did everything together so things are a little different, but I know sooner or later we were going to depart, but I guess right now I'm just not ready to be a way from her.
ReplyDeletethis was a nice blog i learned some things i didnt know about you like how u have two sisters i thought u only had one. great job.
ReplyDeleteThank you Taylor.