Hi everyone I'm Kamali, I would like to start of by introducing myself a little more to you guys. Well my favorite type of movies are drama, comedy, and love. One of my favorite movies of all times is Love & Basketball. I like to listen to music, and my favorite genre is hip hop. I don't really listen to jazz or anything else, maybe pop and sometimes Spanish music. As some of you know I have two sisters Brandy and Emily; Brandy just currently went off to college, and Emily is in the Navy and been there for 6 years now I also live with just my mom. I love food and can eat all day, but my favorite kind of food is Spanish. Nothing is better than chicken, rice, beans, fried plantains, and salad. I just love love Spanish food, and one thing that I enjoy eating,is a Cuban sandwich. My mom side of the family is from Cuba so they eat that all the time and that is how I started eating Cuban sandwiches. A Cuban sandwich has pork, pickle, melted Swiss cheese, this special sauce, and it comes on this flat grilled bread. Some of you may know that I love playing sports, and I currently play squash, Squash is a racket sport that is similar to tennis or handball. I have been playing Squash for 6 years, and I am number 1 for the girls ladder. I also enjoy talking, writing ( sometimes), and I love love love lip gloss. I guess that is all for now, I don;t really know what else to talk about so as of right now, TTYL